Taylor Swift Is Right. Spelling Is Actually Pretty Dang Fun

So a lot of people out there today are shitting on Taylor Swift for her new song “ME!”. Which is totally justified given the fact that it is an objectively bad song. But you know what? One of the parts that has been drawing the most criticism is when she exclaims, “hey, kids, spelling is fun!”. I’m here today to tell you that not only is that a great lyric, but it is also 100% factually accurate.

Now I know a lot of you are there are probably going to be smart-asses about this. You’ll probably say something along the lines of “you guys spell words wrong all the time. You’re just bloggers, you’re not actual writers” yada yada yada. And while that may be true for the most part, it doesn’t change the fact that when you absolutely nail a difficult word and spell it correctly in your first attempt, you feel like a god. It’s one of those things that can completely turn your entire day around. You spell a difficult word correctly on the first attempt and you feel as if you can take on any task that is thrown your way. At least for the next few hours or so.

I’m not saying that I’d go around and plan an entire weekend around spelling. I’m not calling up my friends tonight being like, “yo boys, the lady is out of town this weekend so I figured we could all just hang at my apartment and spell the shit out of out a few words together”. But she’s right. Spelling is fun. And it’s a pretty easy thing to do, too. All you have to do is just memorize a few letters that are arranged in a specific sequence. It’s not like you need to solve any equations. It’s not like it takes any physical effort. Pretty much anybody besides Floyd Mayweather can do it. And it can also make you feel incredibly useful.

I don’t have a ton that I can offer to other people. But if I’m out at a social gathering and somebody asks how a certain word is spelled, I’m there right away for some assistance. You drill a word on the first try in front of a crowd and it’s like you just crushed a ball 550 feet out of the park. Spelling in front of a crowd is always more rewarding than just spelling on your own, but both are enjoyable.

So while you all continue to shit on this song, just do me a favor and leave that line out of it. I’m all for a good ol’ fashion pile on, but at least have some integrity about it. The song is bad, but spelling is definitely fun.

Mayonnaise. Boom. Just spelled that right on my first try. Not a big deal.


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